In E-fulfillment Service, FBA Prep, Pick and Pack warehouse Services, Third-party fulfillment, warehouse services

shopify fulfillment service, shopify order fulfillment, third party fulfillment, third party warehouse, FBA Prep Center, FBA Prep Services, 3pl in New York, FBA Prep, FBA Prep Center New York, FBA Prep Services New York, FBA Prep New Jersey, Pick and Pack Warehouse New York, Pick and Pack Warehouse New JerseyIn today’s fast-paced business environment, more and more companies are turning to outsource fulfillment as a way to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies. However, despite its growing popularity, there are still many misconceptions about outsourcing fulfillment that can make businesses hesitant to leap.

In this blog post, we will be debunking 7 common outsourcing and fulfillment myths to help businesses better understand the benefits and realities of outsourcing fulfillment.

We will be exploring the truth behind some of the most common misconceptions, such as the idea that outsourcing fulfillment is always more expensive, that it means losing control of inventory and customer service, and that it only works for large businesses.

We will also be discussing how a reputable third-party fulfillment provider like 3P SHIPPING can help businesses of all sizes and types with their fulfillment needs while ensuring the safety and security of their products and customer information. By the end of this blog post, businesses will have a better understanding of the real benefits of outsourcing fulfillment and how they can take advantage of this powerful tool to grow their business.


Outsourcing fulfillment can save businesses money in the long run by allowing them to take advantage of economies of scale, access to specialized equipment and expertise, and reduced overhead expenses.

Economies of Scale: By outsourcing fulfillment to a third-party provider, businesses can benefit from the provider’s bulk purchasing power, which can result in cost savings for the business. For example, a third-party provider may be able to negotiate lower rates for shipping and handling due to the volume of orders they process.
Specialized Equipment and Expertise: Outsourcing fulfillment to a third-party provider also allows businesses to access specialized equipment and expertise that they may not be able to afford to purchase or maintain on their own. This can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the fulfillment process, which can ultimately lead to cost savings for the business.
Reduced Overhead Expenses: Outsourcing fulfillment also allows businesses to reduce overhead expenses, such as rent and utilities for a warehouse, and salaries and benefits for warehouse staff. This can help to reduce the overall costs of the fulfillment process for the business.


Outsourcing fulfillment can give businesses more control over their inventory and customer service. By using a third-party fulfillment provider like 3P SHIPPING, businesses can access a range of services that can help them to better manage their inventory and customer service operations.
Improved accuracy and efficiency: They offer a wide range of tools and resources to help businesses track and manage their inventory. This can help to improve the accuracy of inventory levels, which can reduce the risk of stockouts and overstock.

Better tracking and reporting capabilities: By outsourcing fulfillment to providers like 3P SHIPPING, businesses can also benefit from more advanced tracking and reporting capabilities. The provider can offer real-time tracking, so businesses can always have a clear picture of the order status, and inventory levels. This also allows for better forecasting, which can help to improve the efficiency of the business.

Customer service: 3P SHIPPING can also help businesses with their customer service operations, by providing services such as Amazon prep services and Shopify services. This can help to improve the overall customer experience and can help to increase customer loyalty and retention.


Outsourcing fulfillment does not have to mean giving up your brand identity. By using a third-party fulfillment provider businesses can still maintain control over their branding, even when their products are being handled and shipped by someone else.

Custom packaging and messaging options: One of the ways that 3P SHIPPING works with its clients to maintain its brand identity is by offering custom packaging and messaging options. This can include custom boxes, labels, and packaging materials that are branded with the business’s logo and colors. Additionally, businesses can include custom messages or marketing materials inside the package, to create a more personal customer experience.

Consistency and quality: Another way they work with their clients to maintain their brand identity is by maintaining consistency and quality of the packaging and order fulfillment process. This includes ensuring that the package is delivered in perfect condition, and promptly, which are the two most critical aspects of the customer experience.


Outsourcing fulfillment is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, including small and medium-sized businesses. It allows businesses to outsource their fulfillment operations to a third-party provider, which can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the process, and also save costs.

Benefits for small and medium-sized businesses:

Flexibility: For small and medium-sized businesses, outsourcing fulfillment can provide a great deal of flexibility. They can use the provider’s services as needed and can scale up or down depending on their business needs, which can help to better manage costs.
Cost-effective: Outsourcing fulfillment with a provider like 3P SHIPPING can also be more cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses than maintaining an in-house fulfillment operation. This can help to reduce overhead costs and improve the bottom line.
Inventory management: 3P SHIPPING can also help small and medium-sized businesses with inventory management, and real-time tracking, which can provide greater control over their stock levels, thus reducing the risk of overstocking or stockouts.
Access to expertise and technology: Small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit from the expertise and technology that they offer, which may not be accessible or affordable for them to maintain in-house.


Outsourcing fulfillment can also work for businesses that sell digital products or services. While traditional fulfillment operations are focused on the storage and shipping of physical goods, many providers have evolved to offer a range of services that can also be beneficial for businesses that sell digital products or services.

These services can help to improve the customer experience, streamline processes and reduce workload for businesses in the digital domain as well.


Outsourcing fulfillment does not have to mean sacrificing security. 3P SHIPPING takes many steps to ensure the safety and security of its clients’ products and customer information.

Security measures that they take to ensure the safety and security of its clients’ products and customer information:
Physical security: They employ security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarms, and restricted access protocols to ensure the physical security of their warehouse and other facilities.
Data security: They also use advanced data encryption and security protocols to protect the customer information that they handle. This includes using secure servers and firewalls to protect customer data from cyber-attacks.
Compliance: They ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) that govern data security and privacy, making sure that all sensitive data are handled in a secure and regulated environment.
Background check: They also carry out background checks on their employees and contractors, to ensure that they do not pose any security risks.
Insurance: They also have insurance in place that covers the risks of product damage, loss, and theft, and covers any potential data breaches.


Outsourcing fulfillment can be more environmentally friendly than maintaining an in-house fulfillment operation.3P SHIPPING is increasingly focusing on reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainability in its fulfillment operations.

Ways that they are working to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainability in its fulfillment operations:
Resource conservation: Reducing its environmental impact by implementing resource conservation measures, such as reducing its energy consumption, using LED lighting, and recycling materials wherever possible.
Energy efficient equipment: Using energy efficient equipment in its fulfillment center, can include efficient HVAC systems, and conveyors which are designed to minimize energy consumption.
Carbon offsetting: Engaging in carbon offsetting practices, to balance out the carbon emissions caused by its operations. This can include investing in renewable energy projects and reforestation initiatives.
Packaging: Working to minimize the environmental impact of its packaging materials. This includes reducing packaging materials, using eco-friendly materials such as biodegradable and compostable packaging, and recycling packaging materials.


In conclusion, outsourcing fulfillment can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes and types, including those that sell digital products or services. It can save businesses money, improve efficiency and accuracy, better tracking and reporting capabilities, maintain brand identity, and in some cases, be more environmentally friendly than maintaining an in-house operation. There are many misconceptions about outsourcing fulfillment, but as we have seen, many of these myths are simply not true.

3P SHIPPING is a reputable fulfillment provider that specializes in providing order fulfillment services for E-commerce businesses, and it is continuously looking to improve its services by addressing the challenges of modern-day e-commerce. It can help businesses of all sizes and types with their fulfillment needs while ensuring the safety and security of their products and customer information.
By contacting 3P SHIPPING, businesses can learn more about how they can benefit from outsourcing their fulfillment operations and take their business to the next level.

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Pick and Pack warehouse Services, pick and pack warehouse, shopify fulfillment service, shopify order fulfillment, third party fulfillment, third party warehouse, FBA Prep Center, FBA Prep Services, 3pl in New York, FBA Prep, FBA Prep Center New York, FBA Prep Services New York, FBA Prep New Jersey, Pick and Pack Warehouse New York, Pick and Pack Warehouse New Jersey, Third Party Fulfillment New York, Shopify Order Fulfillment New York, Shopify Fulfillment Service New York, 3PL warehouse Services in New York, 3PL warehousing companies New York, 3PL companies New York, 3PL Companies New Jersey, 3pl in New Jersey, Pick pack and ship New York, FBA prep Center New Jersey, FBA Prep and ShipPick and Pack warehouse Services, pick and pack warehouse, shopify fulfillment service, shopify order fulfillment, third party fulfillment, third party warehouse, FBA Prep Center, FBA Prep Services, 3pl in New York, FBA Prep, FBA Prep Center New York, FBA Prep Services New York, FBA Prep New Jersey, Pick and Pack Warehouse New York, Pick and Pack Warehouse New Jersey, Third Party Fulfillment New York, Shopify Order Fulfillment New York, Shopify Fulfillment Service New York, 3PL warehouse Services in New York, 3PL warehousing companies New York, 3PL companies New York, 3PL Companies New Jersey, 3pl in New Jersey, Pick pack and ship New York, FBA prep Center New Jersey, FBA Prep and Ship